I want to share with people my subjective experience of having psychic ability.  I know a lot of psychics, a lot of the psychic literature, and I know that there is very little information about what the daily reality of psychic ability is like.

I think it’s important to educate people for a couple of reasons.  Namely, and specific to my business, so that people paying me for a reading will have a better understanding of what they are paying for.  Second, to provide just a little more evidence to the greater community that psychic counseling is a legitimate form of healing work.

Aside from that, I’m excited to have a forum to share all the personal insights and bits of channeled wisdom that come my way.  Plus any personal anecdotes that I just feel like sharing.  If anything speaks to you, feel free to leave a comment (click on the title of the post for the comment form).

I’m eager to share, and happy to have you join me.  Expect updates every few days.