For those who’s purpose leads them to starting their own business, I offer the following invaluable resources for addressing the inner and outer growth aspects of being an entrepreneur:

1. Coaches

MarkMark Silver, Heart of Business
This business combines the tenets of Sufi philosophy with the gritty details of how to successfully run a business. It is heart-opening, healing and profitable work that I have profoundly benefited from.  For anyone seeking to follow the passion of their heart and make money while they do it.


EmmaEmma McCreary, Tao of Prosperity
Similar to Heart of Business, Emma teaches business as a vehicle of transformation.  Find a deeper connection between living the life you want and affecting positive change in the world.  A gentle perspective on deep, meaningful work.


Pat FlynnPat Flynn, Smart Passive Income
Pat is a national expert on how to run a business online. His blog is the most hands-on effective I have found for breaking down big projects into manageable pieces, and getting them done with ease. Everything on his site is free, and features tutorials that would easily cost money elsewhere. More than that, Pat has a genuine heart that comes through in everything he teaches. It’s a pleasure learning from him and he makes business fun.

MariMari Smith
Also on the national level, Mari Smith specifically teaches all things social media. She specializes in helping socially conscious companies achieve their potential, and is a great one-stop resource for what works best in online marketing, whatever your starting point.



2. Contractors and Tools 

acorn hostAcorn Host
This site hosting company specializes in supporting businesses that make a positive difference in the world. On the practical level they are easy to use, reliable, and quick to respond to any issues that may come up. More than that, I personally know the owner and can vouch that it is 100% true to its mission of making the world a better place.

kale monkeyKale Monkey
The wonderful team behind this company built my website, formatted my ebook, designed my logo, and more. They are a local, socially conscious business focused on giving small businesses a professional platform.