Did the Secret freak you out? Do you want to create a better life for yourself, but can’t stop your mind from going to the negative and are afraid your fear will stop you from succeeding?
This introductory 6-week class will show you how you can have bad days and still create an amazing life for yourself. The law of attraction is a much more intricate and complex process than just how we think and feel each day, and this class will teach you:
- The full nature of manifestation, and the positive (and necessary!) role negative feelings play in it
- How to engage your mind so you are no longer imprisoned by old patterns
- Simple, practical, enjoyable things you can do every day to manifest the things you want
How we think and feel is less important than how we interact with our thoughts and emotions. Understanding the nature of the mind, you can then begin to unpack how it creates this amazing life for you, and not be a victim of a program that was designed to work for your benefit.
You have the right to a happy, abundant life. There’s no shame in struggling, or in being unhappy, but there is an opportunity for something better. I’m not offering a “quick fix”, but a lifetime guarantee that if you apply the tools offered here, your experience will improve.
This is a beginning class. It’s for people who found The Secret and Law of Attraction lacking in some way but didn’t know what was missing. It’s for people who do everything right but still can’t seem to get life to work for them. It’s for people who are ready to stop struggling and start enjoying life on a deeper, more fulfilling level.
What I present here is direct from the source. Rooted in years of training in internal martial arts, mindfulness meditation, and body consciousness, it flips the paradigm of how people think about manifestation and gets into the grit of how it really works. No positive thinking required.
What people are saying:
Jewel’s class on How Manifestation Really Works was packed with helpful aspects. First, Jewel has a down to earth style of teaching which is real, relatable and refreshing. Second, she speaks simply and specifically about the components of the manifestation process and provides simple, effective tools to tune into your higher state. Throughout the class I felt like Jewel held a higher energetic place for attendees to enter into. A springboard into a soul-driven life.
– Kari
I appreciated the creative perspective and lively examples, giving us new applicable methods. Very fun and informative!
– Andy
Jewel teaches with remarkable goodwill, gentleness and generosity. Nothing was forced upon me, but rather I was invited to learn at my own pace from a teacher with deep knowledge. I am still working through the content, there is a lot there, but in a short time have gleaned much that is immediately useful. If you come to this class with openness, you will receive far more than you imagine.
– Amanda
I learned deep truths about how manifestation really works.
– Denise
Cost: $120.
Payment installment plan available. See below.
Where: Zoom
If you aren’t familiar with using Zoom, a link to each class will be e-mailed to you the day before the event. You don’t have to have a Zoom account, just click the link to join us.
When: Saturdays, May 8th – June 12th, 10am – 11am*
*All classes will be recorded. If you aren’t able to attend at the time a recording will be e-mailed to you after the event.
To Register Please Fill Out this Form and Submit Payment Below
Early registration payment: