Dating and relationships are hard. They promise joy, connection, and fulfillment, but the risk of heartbreak is ever present, and can occur at any stage in the process. Additionally, the risk of becoming entangled with someone dangerous is very real and statistically likely. Yet the need to be loved and give love compels us to keep trying, even after experiencing the worst case scenarios.

This talk offers a grounded, holistic approach to the relationship journey, and is equally for people who are single and those who have been in a relationship for many years. It explains the most common pitfalls that can lead to disastrous endings, including red flags that are often mistaken for green.

Love is rightly framed as a matter of the heart, but it’s also much more than that. It is a skill that the mind can master, so true love is consciously constructed rather than wholly dependent on luck. This workshop lays out true love as a path with many gateways, and how to successfully navigate each of them into forming an unbreakable bond.

All genders and sexualities are welcome and included in this talk. Poly relationships are also addressed, though this is most geared towards those seeking to create or improve a monogamous partnership. If you’ve chosen polyamory as a solution to the many problems associated with monogamy, you might be interested in the approach this event offers for those problems.

The content of this talk comes from my training as a counselor, the book Wild Attraction (highly recommended), years of close friendship with an excellent couples therapist, and experience creating my own successful relationship of over 12 years. I am also bisexual, and have experience navigating same-sex and different-sex relationships with insights for both.

Featuring free mini-readings at the end!

When: Saturday, March 29th, 12:30 – 2:30pm

Where: Thrive Yoga and Wellness Center, 1107 7th St., Oregon City OR 97045

Cost: $35.

You can pay at the door or online here.