In January 2009 Sarah Lambert had a psychic awakening.  This led to a dramatic shift in her career and forced the creation of a new business, BodyInsights.

She has trained Poekoelan Tjimindie Tulen, an intensive Indonesian martial art, since July 2004.  In 2006 she began to explore Kundalini yoga meditation and maintains a weekly practice.  She has additional experience with Qi Gong, Tai Chi,  Hatha  and Ashtanga yogas.

In February 2005 Sarah earned her massage license after two years study at East-West College of the Healing Arts.  She established her first business, Place of Peace,  in June of that year.

The stated intention of that business was to enliven each individual’s internal sense of peace, and in so doing help it to manifest in the world.

This intention to aid the advancement of world peace through individual healing continues, in a brighter and more extraordinary form.

Please explore the rest of this website to learn more.