Once as a check about a reading I had given someone, I channeled the following guidance.  It seems worth sharing.

“A psychic reading does not hurt or undo someone’s story, only surrenders to what is already there.  Readings are an act of surrender, bowing to the greater light within an individual.  Underscoring but not defining their journey.

Readings speak to the higher light within people, their balance point.  Do not be afraid.  Surrender your gift to Source and act accordingly.  Humble, with much to learn.

Everyone is fine.  Things ultimately evolve into the greater shine.  How do you love others without loving yourself?  It cannot be done.  Surrender to Source.

Psychic readings do not hurt in the proper context, they heal.  All is well here.  You are well here.  It is as it needs to be.  You are learning.  Source ensures the right lessons.  Surrender to them all.”