With each passing day of the oil crisis in the Gulf of Mexico I’ve experienced increasing despair.  I used to read all information I could find on it in the hopes of through simple awareness making a difference.

This morning, reading an article that went to describe the estimated devastation of this disaster I had to stop.  The feeling of futility was tangible, almost suicidal.  The idea that the world is dying suddenly seemed very real.

To comfort myself, I channeled the below insights about the crisis.  I didn’t ask a question, just for anything the guides who speak to me wanted to say.  I have the idea it may serve to post this publicly.

“There is no ending, there are never endings.  People forget.  They look and they see crisis as God’s will, God’s order.  There is no order in this, for there is no beginning or end.  There is only the pain in the moment, the well of sorrow spilling into the world.  Heaven and Earth grieving as one, in perfect harmony.

People are looking for answers in action, in result.  There is none.  There is no comfort in trying to affect disaster; there is comfort in relaxing at the heart and letting the well of sorrow and grief flow through you.  In giving in to your connection with the Earth, you find harmony and balance inside yourself.  The way to affect the oil spill is to grieve with it, to cry and give voice to the sorrow of the sparrow’s song.  Relax and let the pain come through you, do not try to change it.  Do not try to walk away, or close the heart.  Rather open completely in grief, cry with it, and feel what comes.

Harmony, symphony, balance.  By being in the pain of crisis, you allow great healing to arise.

This is God’s order, the only order of the universe.  By being with things as they are – welling grief, that is the call of this madness – you find balance with it, harmony, and heal.  Subtle, gentle, real.  Go into the dark place of tears and cry.  That is how you meet the crisis.  It is messy and chaotic, do not try to see reason or meaning within it.  Only experience.  Feel the experience.  There is never a reason, just deep welling grief of generations.  The deaths of lion cubs and kittens, all things die.  All are equal, all are in balance.  Feel into it, open into it, and you will find this truth for yourself.

Feel the crisis without assigning reason.  Earth as Earth, that is all.  Feel with her sorrow and heal.”